How I made my immune system a fighter against the COVID up till now!

Victor Adekunle
2 min readFeb 12, 2021

Your immune system is vital for preventing and fighting off diseases. This is especially important with the current coronavirus pandemic.

Our lifestyles usually dictate the health of our immune system and if you want to improve this vital component of your body then you need to be prepared to make some changes.

Some things in life cause harm to your immune system and if you indulge in these then you need to stop.

The right diet will provide the nutrients and vitamins that your immune system needs to stay in tip top condition and work hard for you.

Your body’s second source of protection is the adaptive immune system, which includes B cells that release antibodies and T cells that kill to new invaders and remember old enemies.

Compared to the innate response, the adaptive system responds slowly. It builds-up immunity over a few days, not hours, but then kills or neutralizes a pathogen that tries to reinfect you. The system develops an immunological memory of the invader so that, in future, it’s able to quickly fight-off repeated invasions.

Antibodies and B cells

Antibodies that match and bind to antigen molecules are produced by B cells. Anything covered with a specific antigen — such as a virus particle with that antigen on its surface — is effectively tagged as ‘enemy’.

Once attached to matching antigens, antibodies might physically block a microbe from invading your cells (neutralisation), allow the invader to be more easily ingested by phagocytes (opsonisation) or mark it for destruction by a team of enzymes (called ‘complement’) or executioners such as Natural Killer cells.

Covid-19 tests can detect antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 within 1–2 weeks after an infected person develops symptoms. Those antibodies usually match the spike protein that a coronavirus uses to break into your cells.

How long does immunity last? While we don’t yet know for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, studies of SARS patients have detected antibodies against SARS-CoV-1 over two years following infection

disclaimer: To note below are links to my above post please…

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Victor Adekunle

Mayowa has a decade experience in volunteering,capacity building, personal development,content creation and delivery and brand building.